Saturday 31 August 2013

Tukar kerja??? hurrrmmmmm....




selamat ari minggu uolllsssss~


hari ni hari dudok diumah sambil melayan anak2 bermaen *pitam tgk mainan bersepah*


sebenarnya best kan dapat dok umah ni

anak2 dpn mata,tggu suami blk keje,masak, makan sama2

feeling isteri solehah dan ibu mithali gitew...hahaha

eh...btol la

benda ni da banyak kali berlegar2 di fikiran aku....

bukan x bersyukur dgn kerja yang ada sekarang....

lebih dari bersyukur sebenarnya..

yelah...bukan senang nk dapat keje sekarang kan..

persaingan ngan fresh graduate yang berlambak2 lagi

da tentu la aku ni di pandang enteng...cewahhh


tapi..seriuos la

bukan aku x minat @ x suka mengajar

serious aku la saham aku kat akhirat nnt

menyampaikan ilmu...

walaupon student aku 98% tu lelaki dan nakal nya tuhan je yang tau tapi aku seronok

stress ngan keje opis, masuk kelas dengar lawak x masok akal dorg tu boleh gak wat aku gelak 


meeting sana...meeting sini...

bekerja dengan pensyarah dari filipina,pakistan,indonesia adalah pengalaman baru


tapi entah....hahaha

yang aku tau satu masa nnt mmg aku nk dok umah je


sebab tu aku join GLAM ni...



In Shaa Allah semua impian aku nk dok umah ni akan termakbul

more info pasal GLAM?


Thursday 29 August 2013

Testimoni BVSM


rasanya sume da tau kan kehebatan BVSM ni

sekarang aku nk share lak testimoni mak ayah aku bila dorg pakai BVSM ni

maklumla orang tua kan

dorg ni bukan jenis yang reti dok diam

ada je keje yang dorg nk wat

maklum la da biasa bekerja so bila da pencen cm blur2 lak x tau nk wat pe

dan bila da tua2 ni..macam2 penyakit la yang datang

sbb tu aku suruh mak ayh aku pakai BVSM ni dan kesannya........

dorang tido dengan lena sekali!!

bangun pon rasa segar dan badan rasa ringan

mmg la kan...salah satu kebaikan BVSM ni ialah untuk melancarkan peredaran darah

so bila da dpt tido lena mesti lah kesihatan terjamin

sbb semua orang tau yang tido tu penting untuk kesihatan

dan kita mmg di galakkan untok dapat cukop tido dan juga rehat

BVSM la penyelesai masalahnya!!

so..x salah kalau kita cuba BVSM ni..

sape x nk kesihatan yang terpelihara kan

mencegah lebih baik dari mengubati..


more info?


Cara mudah untuk dapatkan Premium Beautiful!!


Salam hari jumaat..


arini nk citer pasal PB lak..

ramai je yang PM/SMS tanya pasal harga PB ni

tapi bila bgtau harga sume kata cm nk mampu

ala...rilek la..PB ni lifetime warranty tau..

banyak kebaikan yang kita dapat kalau kita pakai PB ni


jangan risau k..sebenarnya ada cara cmne korang boleh dapatkan PB ni dgn mudah..

yang pertama korang boleh bayar cash

yang kedua korang boleh bayar guna kad kredit

yang ketiga korg boleh guna EASY monthly installment




RM189 untuk setahon

RM 133 untuk 18 bulan

RM106 untuk 2 taon..

nak lebih murah...

RM58 untuk 60 bulan

mudah kan...


bawak IC korang g ke cawangan easy-RHB yang terdekat..yang kaler pink tu
pastu tggu 10 minit sama ada permohonan korang berjaya atau pon x

senang sesangat kan...

more info??

PM me k..


Wednesday 28 August 2013

business sharing! business sharing!!


business sharing...

business sharinggg

mereka sudah..anda bila lagi??

hahaha...gila iklan ayat aku kan

eh btol la.

dorang sume da maju setapak

korang je kat takuk lama taww

meh la berubah


eh..just nk inform..bonus next month 5k hokey!! on 10th september!!

so..apa lagi??

book your date now!!

kita dating2,makan2,gosip2

dengar bisnes proposal yang akan di bentangkan

then... u decide k

be part of us

we'll do this together

in one team!!

u'll never be alone

trust us as we trust you!!


PM me for more info k~



Saturday 24 August 2013

Mouth Sore...Mouth Sore..i hetchyu!!



aku baru dapat rehat ni..seharian dan semalaman nawfal cranky..sabo je la..hahaha

kelmarin nawfal demam..tetibe je badan panas.

xde la syak pa pe..mungkin sbb siang tu dia main panas ke kat umah pengasuh

so aku pon xde la terfikir nk bg ubat ke apa

cuma tampal kool fever kat belakang badan dia

tgh malam tu adalah dia merengek sikit

pas tepok2 montot dia tido balik

sok aku anta la dia cm biasa ke BS

tgh ari aku sms la BS tu tanya nawfal cmne

akk tu ckp "Nawfal ok.da x panas badannya.elok je makan ni"

so..aku pon membuat konklusi sendiri yang dia da sihat

hahaha...hebatkan doktor lak..ngeee~

tp bila sampai umah ptg tu dia merengek je tapi badan x panas

nk berdokong je

aku pon belek2 la mulut dia..mana la tau kot2 nak tumboh gigi lagi

tapi gigi dia da penoh kot..gigi pe lg nk tumboh

belek punya belek terjumpa la aku ngan ulser kecik2 dalam mulot dia

giler terkejot aku..

da tbayang2 simptom HFMD tu!!

jenoh aku refresh balik otak aku pe simptom2 HFMD tu..hahaha

okay..ruam kat tapak tangan dan tapak kaki!!

jenuh lak aku belek tangan dan kaki nawfal


belakang badan,tangan,kaki,kepala,bonto sume xde

ok..lega sket!

tapi aku ajak gak suami aku g klinik

g la aku ngan kuarga ku ke klinik je klinik yang dekat ngan umah aku

doktor pon lembut dan manes

check dada,check badan kot2 ada ruam,check mulot nk tgk ulser tu

last2 dia ckp ulser biasa je

lega x lega lagi sbb aku tau nawfal mesti akan meragam sbb sakit

sakit kot..gila x saket..aku yang tua pon rasa nk nagis kalo kena sebijik mata ikan tu

apatah lagi dia yang penoh smp ke tekak.

sian anak ibu....

aku pon guna la perkhidmatan encek google psl ulser ni di kalangan bayi

aku pon terjumpa la artikel ni...

When Your Child Has Mouth Sores

Closeup of mouth with finger holding down lower lip to show canker sore.

Your child has a mouth sore. Mouth sores can be painful and can make eating or drinking uncomfortable. But they are usually not a serious problem. Most mouth sores can easily be managed and treated at home.

What Causes Mouth Sores ?

  • An injury to the mouth
  • Certain viruses and illnesses
  • Stress
  • Certain medications

What Are the Symptoms of Mouth Sores?

Canker sores are the most common type of mouth sore. They are usually white with red borders. Other types of mouth sores can be white, red, or yellow. Your child may have a single sore or more than one at the same time. Mouth sore symptoms can include:
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Soreness
  • Redness
  • Increase in saliva
  • Fever or headache
  • Irritability

NOTE: If your child has a sore outside the mouth, it’s likely a cold sore. Cold sores can be spread through direct contact. They may require different treatment from mouth sores. Ask your child’s doctor for more information about cold sores if you think your child has one.

Girl taking pill and holding glass of water. Woman standing next to her is stirring salt into another glass of water. How Are Mouth Sores Diagnosed?

A mouth sore is diagnosed by how it looks. To get more information, the doctor will ask about your child’s symptoms and health history. The doctor will also examine your child. You will be told if any tests are needed.

How Are Mouth Sores Treated?

  • Mouth sores generally go away within 7 to 10 days with no treatment.
  • You can do the following at home to relieve your child’s symptoms:
    • Give your child over-the-counter (OTC) medications, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, to treat pain and fever. Do not give ibuprofen to infants 6 months of age or less or to a child who is dehydrated or constantly vomiting. Do not give aspirin to a child with a fever. This can put your child at risk of a serious illness called Reye’s syndrome.
    • Cold liquids, ice, or frozen juice bars may help soothe mouth pain. Avoid giving your child spicy or acidic foods. 
  •  Use the following treatments only if your child is over the age of  4:
    • Apply an OTC numbing gel to mouth sores to relieve pain. The gel can cause a brief sting when applied.
    • Have your child rinse his or her mouth with saltwater or with baking soda and warm water, then spit. The mouth rinse should not be swallowed.

Call the doctor if your child has any of the following:

  • A mouth sore that doesn’t go away within 14 days
  • Increased mouth pain
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Signs of infection around a mouth sore (pus, drainage, or swelling)
  • Signs of dehydration (very dark or little urine, excessive thirst, dry mouth, dizziness)
  • In an infant under 3 months old, a rectal temperature of 100.4°F (38.0°C) or higher
  • In a child 3 to 36 months, a rectal temperature of 102°F (39.0°C) or higher
  • In a child of any age who has a temperature of 103°F (39.4°C) or higher
  • A fever that lasts more than 24-hours in a child under 2 years old, or for 3 days in a child 2 years or older
  • Your child has had a seizure caused by the fever

    dan juga ni...

    sangat berguna ok...baru la aku paham..

    doktor pon ada bagi..

    oral aid lotion..

    tapi cam biasa la bersilat la gak aku nk sapu benda alah tu.


    semoga anak ibu cepat baik k..

Thursday 22 August 2013

Lelaki - lelaki di sebalik GLAM..Salute them!!


morning peeepppssss!!

Ain't No Other Man!! The Man behind the success of GLAM
repost from my mentor HANIS HAIZI

Ain't no other man can stand up next to youAin't no other man on the planet does what you doYou're the kinda guy a girl finds in a blue moonYou got soul, you got class, you got style with your bad ass

Yeah aint no other man!

Today I would like to share with you guys, 
the MEN behind GLAM!

Starting with 

CDM Razali Zain, he is the master mind behind all the GLAM establishment. He is the Principal Manager and Co-Founder of Green Leaders Academy Malaysia. He has been doing the business 3 years full time. 

Previously, a Software Engineer working with various Multi National Companies such as IBM & Motorola etc. He developed the methods that we use today through social media marketing, he's currently GLAM's social media strategist, Web and SEO Consultant. 

He is one of the main reason why GLAM are the Pioneers of Online Marketing in Malaysia today! 

CDM Syukran Helmi is from Kedah, has been doing the business together with GLAM full time 2 years ago. He used to be a Mechanical Engineer working with HUME CONCRETE. He's also one of the back bone in GLAM today. 

Using his experiences in Project Management he has successfully developed the Green Leaders Academy Malaysia training centre. 

He's also known as the Garam Buluh King! :) because he is the King in selling bamboo salt! He now helps to organize, manage and lead the team very well in day-to-day operations. 

DDM Zaer Ali was a Project Manager at Mesin Niaga prior to joining GLAM. He left his 15 years career in IT industry to do the business with GLAM full time. 

He has a very strong IT background and was in charge in huge projects. DDM Zaer is the person responsible behind the creation of Premium Beautiful Calculator for Android apps and also puts the name of Green Leader Academy Malaysia on Google map. 

Zaer is now one of the main speaker, contributors for our Social Media Marketing Team under GLAM.

DDM Dr. Hasbi Harun is from Kuala Terengganu. A medical doctor now turns full time entrepreneur. After 6 months he decided to take unpaid leave to focus on business for Paris and London trips. Dr Hasbi also is the "Doctor" Biozone. 

He is also the leading man behind GLAM's famous "meme" in our GLAM Harlem Shake Video! His willingness to learn from start, although he has no strong IT background, has made him into one of the successful and committed social media marketing team member under GLAM. 

He now teaches and handles the social media marketing training for his team and has helped his partners to set up their online marketing beside becoming an SEO consultant.

DDM Ashraf Naseruddin currently works at Exxonmobil KLBSC as a Network Analyst. He deals with network applications and involves heavily in telecommunications project. Acting as an interface coordinator between engineering and technical support for end user customers. 

His extensive knowledge in networks makes him an ideal addition to the social media marketing team under GLAM. With a very strong IT background, he gives 100% commitment to his team of GLAMpreneuers. 

He is now currently helping his partners on issues ranging from social media, set up and manage a website and become seo consultant. 

DSM Arman Azam, a Lecturer by profession, a photographer and entrepreneur from Johor.

He is the biggest supporter and is responsible for developing GLAM Johor. He handles classes, training and events for GLAM Johor and develop all the GLAM proteges. 

DSM Yusmaizi Yusoff is a technician working with Petronas in Terengganu. Together with his group he rocks Pantai Timur! He is very business minded and very determined. 

Despite the distance being a big challenge he has no issues to commit with GLAM. Now KL is his second home, with his strong support to GLAM Terengganu Team, the team has grown bigger than ever. 

DSM Khairul Anwar, work as an Architect in one of the well known architect firm in Kuala Lumpur. Doing this business as part time. He gives his full support and dedication ever since he step in the business. 

DSM Khairul has been traveling with GLAM from Hong Kong - Holland - Belgium - Vietnam & Guangzhou. Despite his busy schedule he still manages to develop his team members some from Kuantan, Terengganu and Melaka.

DSM Rijaludin Ahmad is a professional with professional sales and marketing background with a masters degree in Strategic Management. He is now working with one of the biggest telecommunications company in Malaysia. 

He is a perfectionist in his own passion. A person whom will survived in any groups of friends and lovable by friends and colleagues. He is very busy person with his corporate life but still see the need and importance to do the business.

DSM Ridzuan Che Rus, works as an Economic Affairs Executive at MIDA, In his early stages he refuses to follow his wife Shaliza Aziz, but soon after seeing tremendous results from the business, he decided to give it 100%. 

His business partners from North to South of Malaysia. Distance is never a problem for those who really committed. 

DSM Azizul works as a Product Manager in TimeDotCom. He got involved in this business since 2011 as a part time. Started as just a follower, he now becomes the team leader and provides ideas, network strategies & consultation to his team. 

DSM Shazwan Salleh is an Oil & Gas Engineer based in Kuantan. Working full time and doing business as a part time, he is very commited GLAMpreneur. For every event he will not miss it! whether the event is in KL or overseas he will make sure he will be there despite of busy his schedules

DSM Shahrilnizam is a fulltime Software Engineer at TM Unifi who is already earning 5 figure income per month. He has been working for more than 15 years in IT industry. He is an ex-colleague of CDM Razali Zain, and now doing the business as part timer and also generating 5 figure via online. 

DSM Ikhman Ariff is a full time Unit Trust Consultant from MAA. He used to believe that only unit trust business can generate more income, but that has changed! Being a GLAMpreneur has changed his perspective and view of the business after generating his 5 figure income within 6 months. 

Used to work in Sibu he's a go getter and seizes every opportunity. He's confident that GLAM has all it takes to make it BIG. He now started to develop and introduce male proteges under his wings. 

DSM Mohd Ezamshah is a Senior Executive at Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering from Johor. Doing business as a partime basis but earning the income like a fulltime. 

Together with his wife he frequently travels to across Malaysia to support their business. Ezam, is also involved heavily in online marketing and social media. 

DSM Haiqal Rawlins is workin as Assistant Registrar at UKM. He is originally from Sarawak. Started as a one of my silent readers he decided to join and now becoming one of my many male protege. 

Very positive, teachable and determined, he loves challenges. Despite of his science based education background he took GLAM with a motivation to be successfull

DSM Farouk Harun is a young English Teacher from Southern Malaysia. Graduated from New Zealand, he is now strong dedicated GLAMpreneur. A fast learner and keen interest in online business he has the ability to go very far. 

SM Ashraf Zain is another young English teacher in our group He is based in Kelantan. I still remember his email in which he wrote that he wants to do this business to help his mother. Graduated in Australia, he is the next generation of GLAMpreneurs that will conquer the world.

GLAMpreneurs is the No.1 online marketing group in Malaysia.


Gentleman out there..what are you waiting for??

be good...

be smart....

be cool....

be great....

be part of us!

be part of GLAM!!


Wednesday 21 August 2013

Premium Beautiful oh Premium Beautiful..i loikeeee!!


morning uollssss... da tgh ari...hahaha

arini aku dtg lambat..x la lambat sgt..aku thumb in td kol 8.03pg padahal jam tgn aku da kol 8.15.
berlari2 anak aku nk kejarkan thumb in.gigih aku naik tgga tau semata2 nk thumb in..tapi bila smp kat tempat tu rasa nyesal lak berlari2..nseb baik student x nmpk..hahaha

k la..nk citer pasal Premium beautiful..

pengalaman aku ngan premium beautiful ni.

dulu bagi aku PB ni biase2 je..sama je ngan korset2 lain yang org jual tu
so..aku pandang enteng je la *enteng ok..hahaha*
bagi aku sama je la cam ngan korset yang aku beli kat tesco tu..
tapi lain okkkk...

Sebenarnya banyak kelebihan PB ni yang selama ni kita x tau ataupon dalam erti kata lain kita x pernah kisah
mungkin korang sama gak cam aku fikir
sebanarnye tidak ye kawankawan
meh aku citer sket...

Kelebihan Long Brassiere

1. Mengelakkan bengkak susu
2. Mengelakkan payudara berdarah
3. Menyokong payudara besar
4. Menggalakkan pertumbuhan payudara yang kecil
5. Meransang pengeluaran susu ibu
6. Mengelakkan gastrik

Kelebihan Long Girdle

1. Menyokong rahim selepas melahirkan anak
2. Menstabilkan hormon
3. Mengurangkan senggugut
4. Membantu perlekatan janin
5. Mencantikkan punggung
6. Mengurangkan keputihan

Kelebihan Waist Nipper

1. Menyokong tulang belakang
2. Memecahkan batu karang kecil
3. Mengempiskan perut
4. Menghilangkan 'stretch mark'
5. Membentuk pinggang
6. Elok untuk mencegah demam kuning
7. Mengubat lenguh kaki

banyakkan kelebihan PB ni..

Pb ni boleh gak guna waktu dalam pantang contohnya aku la..
dulu aku pakai cam gambar kat bawah ni
tapi hazab nye la..hazab utk aku je la.
maklumla aku kan pemalash..tau nk senang je
mak aku yang pakaikan bengkung ni
dapat masa beli set berpantang tu la
pepaham je la org tua kan..mstla kita kena ikot pantang larang
jalan la aku terkepot2 dalam umah.
dengan berstokin bagai
dahi da bertampal pilis
muka da berbedak sejuk sampai ke leher
da macam hantu kumkum aku tgk diri sendiri kat cermin
tapi tu semua banyak kebaikannya

tapi..apa salahnya kalau kita permudahkan cara tu
sebab tu aku guna je Pb ni
mudah, ringkas,senang dan yang penting SELESA
x berpeluh2 bila pakai...


apalagi..mari kita samasama sihat dan cantik
x salahkan melabur utk kesihatan diri

more info?
